
The Cholla Amateur Remote Base Association is a club for amateur radio operators incorporated in southeastern Arizona. We enjoy connecting mountaintop remote controlled uhf radios together via advanced radio linking. As part of the Cactus-Intertie System, we bring connectivity to our service area which is centered on the city of Tucson, AZ.  Our site list can be viewed here.

CARBA is a sponsored membership organization of licensed radio amateurs that has been in existence since the mid 1970’s. To learn more about our group and its structure, you can read the CARBA FAQ.

We have taken our name from the indigenous Cholla cactus, commonly known as the jumping cactus, because of its similarity to our radio links jumping from site to site.

Our group has pioneered the use the amateur radio Microwave Bands for our links. We have developed practical ways of linking our different sites using an infrastructure built on microwave radios.  A history is available here.